Air Quality Break-out, ESIP 2010 Summer Meeting
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The Air Quality Workgroup will be meeting on Wednesday and Thursday during the ESIP Summer Meeting.
Remote Participation
Dial-in Information:
Phone: 866-489-0573 (US, Canada, VOIP); 205-354-0149 (international) Meeting Code: *2279431*
Meeting Number: 731 616 340
If you have a webcam please turn it on during the discussions with the full group, so that every one can see you.
To join the online meeting (Now from iPhones too!)
- . Go to
- . Enter your name and email address.
- . Click "Join Now".
July 21, Wednesday
1:15-2:45 Eastern
Welcome, Introduction and Overview (5-minutes)
New Projects (20-minutes)
- CyAir - Cyberinfrastructure for Air Quality Management
Funded Networking Projects Updates (5-min each)
- CEOS AC Portal
- Giovanni
- Status and Plans for RSIG Data Connections
-, 919-541-5500
- Central WCS/WMS:
- Usage examples:
- Current RSIG data sources/connections:
- 1. MODIS-L2 Aqua + Terra (Global Satellite 2000-present): NASA Goddard WCS
- 1. CALIPSO L1b (L2 FY2011) (Global Satellite July 2006-present): NASA Langley WCS
- 3. GASP-AOD (US Satellite June 2006-present):ftp cron job: ftp
- 4. AQS Ozone, PM25, CO, SO2, NO2, RH, Temp (US sites 1980-present):AQSmart account.
- 5. Airnow Ozone, PM25 (US sites 2003-present)
- 6. MOZAIC Ozone, etc. (Global aircraft 2006):Copied to RSIG disks.
- 7. CMAQ (US 2002, 2006, FY2011: 2000-2006, OAQPS, CDC, AQMEII, etc.)Copied to RSIG disks.
- 8. SFADS Ozone, PM25 (US 2001-2006):Copied to RSIG disks.
- 9. UVnet irradiance (US sites 1996-June 2004):Copied to RSIG disks.
- 10. GOES-BB PM25, CO, etc. (US sites 2007-2009):Copied (manually ftp'd) to RSIG disks.
- Data to be added in FY2011:
- 1. Add more CMAQ data (2001-2006+, OAQPS, CDC, AQMEII, etc.)
- 2. Add all MOZAIC data.
- 3. CALIPSO L2 (layer product).
- 4. INTEXB (US aircraft) NASA Langley.
- 5. CERES (global satellite) NASA Langley.
- 6. OzoneForecaster (US) (Dave Holland).
- 7. LARCTM (US backtrajectory) NASA Langley.
- 8. AURA-OMI/SCIAMACHY (global satellite).
- 9. MOPITT CO (global satellite).
- 10. Use a suitable Sonoma Tech webserver for GMT-hourly Airnow ozone, PM25 data.
- 11. Add other requested data, e.g., from
- Status and Plans for RSIG Data Connections
- AIRNow
- HTAP Network
- DataFed
- others (please add to this list)
GEO-ESIP Community Activities (5 min each)
GEO AQ Community of Practice
- GEO AQ CoP Collaborative Website
- GEO AQ CoP at HTAP, 2010-06-15, Brussels
- GEO AQ CoP at UIC Mtg, 2010-02-15, London
AQ GEOSS Community Infrastructure
- AQ Earth Observation Requirements; User Requirements Registry
- WCS/WMS/WFS for Accessing data
- ISO metadata for finding data
- GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot AIP-3
(scheduled break from 2:45-3:15 Eastern)
3:15-4:45 Eastern
Discussion Focus Areas (20min each)
- Institutional and human factors challenges and opportunities in interoperability
- Interoperability successes among projects and use/planned use of GEOSS AQ Community Infrastructure
- Lessons learned and guidance that can be formulated for others to use in their implementations
- Challenges and new approaches to implementing interoperability
- Define next steps for interoperability testing among projects
- update interoperability matrix
- Virtual AQ Interoperability Standards Implementation Workshops: making them work for you
- CyAir Reflections: Given discussion above: What does this mean for CyAir?
July 22, Thursday
11:00-12:00 Eastern
- Outline next Interoperability Standards Implementation 'Virtual Workshops'
- Define goals, scope and logistics for face-to-face/virtual AQ Interoperability Standards Implementation Workshop
- Listing of current connected datasets (with monitoring of service performance)
- Example of health performance on AQ uFIND - shows status of server (how many layers returned) and status of indiv. layer
- 'Connectivity Matrix'
- what is the state of the network connection Connectivity Matrix (maybe this should be renamed to the AQ Network Matrix?)
- Highlight nodes that are red that are high priority and aren't connected (outcome - critical systems need to be networked)
- Plans for GEO-VI Plenary Air Quality 'Showcase'
- Nov 3-5 in Beijing
Ideas and Suggestions for Summer Meeting
- Entire should be virtual - expect that more than half of participants might be remote.
- Potential collaboration with the Tech workshops from Tuesday
- Describe HTAP Network, ACP, other AQ projects by the way that they leverage AQ Community Infrastructure
- identifying and begin registering the emerging air quality data-as-services from the various projects e.g. (HTAP network; Atmp Comp Network, CyAir)
- using the ISO metadata for cataloging, discovery and finding the shared data resources
- agree on a few practical use cases for demonstrating interoperability and networking
We could also begin work on the
- convention for metadata for understanding the observations (surface, satellite, model, emission...)
- distributing the shared tools and methods (server, client, registration...)
A particular topic that would help GEOSS is a participatory discussion/feedback on the User Requirements Registry for air quality. A possible way to approach this is to ask the project representatives to identify their respective user requirements. I can provide more later..