Air Quality 2011

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

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Group: Air Quality Work Group
Contact Person: Glynis Lough
Contact e-mail:

  1. What were the main accomplishments and activities of this group over the last six months to a year? (List successes or highlights from the group. List links tangible outputs/work products, if available)
    We had a successful meeting in July. Our main activities were a discussion of best practices for interoperability and a panel on data quality (results of the discussion were reported to the information quality group during the Summer meeting)
  2. What is the group working on now?
    The group is looking forward to the Winter meeting. We hope the group will identify and adopt a cohesive project for the coming year.
  3. How is the work the #Group did supported? (ESIP-funded, external funding, time, computing resources)
    We used some ESIP funding to support participants for the Summer meeting. The rest of our work has been externally funded.
  4. Do you work with other organizations (GEO, OGC, etc.) or other clusters? Is this primarily in a supporting role, peer-to-peer, or leadership relationship? How do you engage new members?
    Yes, we have worked with the Information Quality cluster and others in a peer-to-peer capacity. We also interface with a number of external groups, and look forward to better coordinating our external contacts in order to communicate relevant activities to the ESIP community.
  5. What are your goals for the next year?
    We would like to clarify our directions, reinvigorate our telecons, and identify one or more cohesive projects for the group to support or lead.
  6. Do you anticipate needing resources or funding for these activities? If so, approximately how much?
    We may have requests following the Winter meeting.
  7. Is there anything that the staff or ESIP leadership could do to better support your group?
    No, we really appreciate the ongoing support of Erin and Carol.
  8. Any other comments?
    None to report