Agclimate telecon 2015-09-01
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Agenda (Joint with Energy & Climate Work Group)
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September 1st, 2015 Telecon: Discussion Notes
This Telecon was used as a Follow-Up Discussion to the ESIP Summer Meeting Joint Session between Agriculture and Climate Cluster and the Energy and Climate Workgroup. In addition, the discussion focused on what the "next steps" would be for an actionable items around the idea of helping to ferry Use-Cases to the CRT
Connection of Agriculture and Energy - groups at ESIP and connections with groups beyond ESIP: With a Focus on Climate Resiliency and Community Resiliency
- GCRP, Climate Activities
- CRT: Climate Resiliency Toolkit = - Whitehouse Initiative. NOAA led.
- CDI - NASA led
We know that the agriculture and energy communities need data, need apps and need tools - we also know that there are a lot out of those things out there, but where are the gaps?
Goal: Helping to put the story out and pursuing connections with the CRT
Clarification of goal: We want to help make people aware of tools/datasets by utilizing as a launching pad.
Group / Project Background:
- Agriculture and Climate Cluster - Quick background as to how it started:
- Long Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) Network
- Originally the cluster was going to create a data inventory specific to them on the ground at the LTAR sites
- But since then, the group has felt we should do this at a broader level
Call In Discussion:
- Jason** Geo platform built off of - brainstorming how to get data out to users
- Part of what we’re searching for is how to bring all the things together in a way that’s useful for helping people solve problems. Data sources, but also needs and uses on the other side to bring together.
ESIP Winter Meeting: not too early to think about
- Potential Joint Session for ESIP Winter Meeting, again: Energy and Climate / Ag and Clim
- Session Built Around the idea of “Use Cases”
- Resiliency as a topic (and possibly a broader ESIP theme as well - continuation from our last meeting)
AIP Geoss group -
share best practices in terms of
- cloud computing
- technical workflow
so you don’t need to necessarily need to know the data across ag, energy and climate but instead sharing the technical components of each… meshes with Teri “nuts and bolts” presentation.. dataflow approach
- -- Jason said he could send along the document or something that they use to show the research component and the technical component
Bill’s involved with the water group at the AIP - use cases are a great way to integrate disparate interests in all directions. A way to bring in societal decision making, and a way to bring many pieces into a single use case.
How to develop use cases:
- Focus on bringing together different interests, and connecting with the CRT would be a great platform.
- First “Task” - action Item -- formally have discussion with CRT to see how we can set up that pipeline. Invite LuAnne to next month’s telecon to have that conversation.
- Hitting several different pockets of interested users.
- Goddard: Consumption Chain
CRT is focused on what problem a particular group is having? Viewpoints matter - hitting different groups of people all within the same tool What can ESIP specifically add to this?
- One thing we talked about leading up to the Summer Meeting is discussing a data inventory but not reinventing the wheel. What can “we (at ESIP)” bring that would be useful within this?
Identify Use Cases: Next Step
- Create a Template or Find the CRT Template
- Talk with people who have given talks at the ESIP Winter and Summer Meetings in 2015
- Put a general call out to our listservs or identify other people who may have good Use-Cases
Important to note: It would not be bad to have more than we can handle, we can have a running roster.
Bill's raw notes from Sep'15 telecon
Bill's raw notes from Sep'15 telecon (shareable link)
Bill Teng
Lindsay Barbieri (Bar)
Nancy Hoebelheinrich
Richard Eckman
David Bassendine
Erin Robinson
Gary Foley
Roshani Dangi
Jason Barnett
Arif Albayrak
1 other call-in attendee