Agclimate telecon 2014-06-03
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- (Erin) Debrief on LTAR meeting in Nunn, CO (end of May)
- Finalizing preparation for Cluster session at ESIP Summer 2014 Meeting, Copper Mtn/Frisco, CO (Session proposal and title)
- Invited speaker Mark Walbridge (USDA ARS LTAR) (~confirmed)
- Justin Derner (~confirmed) on USDA Regional Climate Hubs, with focus on Northern Plains Region
- Short presentations on relevant NASA data
- Visioneers and ESIP 2015 Winter Meeting
- Draft title: Data and services for mitigating and adapting to climate effects in agriculture
(Erin) Debrief on LTAR meeting in Nunn, CO (end of May)
Meeting took place at a research station
- Mickey McGuire, Assoc Area Dir, Northern Plains Area - big data challenges - collecting more data a lot of the same challenges from other domains across earth sciences
- Sally Schneider, Dep Admin ARS - the need for ag and climate resource
- Justin Derner hosting site that is in the northern plains experimental group (how people are doing applied research within the communities)
- connection with NEON (Brian Wee was also there)
Brian spoke about-
- struggle to decide what the science questions are that the network wants to address
- important fundamental questions that need to be addressed before data issues are discussed formally
- mentions David Rugg - Forest service / National Ag Library
- Importance of geographical scaling with data
- LifeCycle Assessment
- Good way to get LTAR to focus on data mgmt/interoperability is to provide them some model use cases from ESIP. Something to follow up on after the July meeting.
Programatic meeting - but it was remarkable how many times they brought up data-Interoperability; August meeting will be more devoted to data
NOAA and USGS have hubs around the country that interested in connecting with these efforts
Bill - talk with Randy Johnson - Regional Hub efforts - early stages
- Finalizing preparation for Cluster session at ESIP Summer 2014 Meeting, Copper Mtn/Frisco, CO (Session proposal and title) speakers are coming together - both Mark and Justin should be able to attend
- Invited speaker Mark Walbridge (USDA ARS LTAR) (~confirmed)
- Justin Derner (~confirmed) on USDA Regional Climate Hubs, with focus on Northern Plains Region
- Short presentations on relevant NASA data (Barry Weiss on SMAP; Bill on GPM; someone on OCO-2?)
- 30 minutes at the end: identifying satellite resources that may be useful from these missions - with Mark and Justin
- SMAP - early adopter program participants will be there - may be able to talk about making connections (Barry and Justin)
Summer Meeting session will start at 3:15
Erin mentions Climate Data initiative is going to have a Agricultural /Food Sustainability focus
Nancy mentions contact: Brian Duggan who has worked with Curt Tilmes
- Visioneers and ESIP 2015 Winter Meeting
- Draft title: Data and services for mitigating and adapting to climate effects in agriculture
- Bill asks for any other suggestions on title for the Winter Meeting
- Erin reminds that there is a call this Monday at 2pm EST
Concurrent Initiatives at different levels:Climate Data Initiative - USDA - LTAR - goal to provide single entry for users
Attendees: Erin Robinson, Reid Boehm, Bill Teng, Boksoon Myoung, Nancy Hoebelheinrich, (1 other call in users unidentified) Brian Wee Next meeting will be the summer meeting session in July in Colorado