Agclimate telecon 2014-05-05
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- Preparation for July ESIP on the wiki and on the Commons
- Proposed session abstract and agenda
Also below:
These two session, co-sponsored by the Agriculture & Climate Cluster and Energy & Climate Working Group, will address the energy/agriculture/climate nexus, relevant data and their use, and implications for community resilience. Focus will be on nurturing mutually beneficial relationships with the U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit (CRT) and Climate Data Initiative (CDI). Invited speakers from CRT and CDI will present on these two recent White House initiatives. Several use cases will be presented on the application of remote sensing and other data to support community resilience. Ample time will be provided for Q&A and group discussion, for everyone to participate and to help formulate a set of post-session actions and plan.
Tentative agenda:
Session 1
Jim Fox, U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit- Overview of CRT
TBD, U.S. Climate Data Initiative - Overview of CDI
Use cases
Session 2
Use cases
Discussion on collaboration among ESIP, CRT, and CDI
Group discussion
Actions and plan
Minutes (notes from Bar):
- Confirming that the structure of 1 speaker from CDI and 1 speaker from CRT sounds good, though acknowledging that we still need to think about and reach out to who those speakers might be.
- Confirming that the structure of 3 agriculture use cases and 3 energy use cases seems like it will work well, noting that the focus should try to stay on resilience. Again acknowledging that we still need to reach out to potential speakers. -- the idea of looking at local to the Monterey, CA area was discussed
- In regards to Use Cases, the question was raised as to the desired "maturity" of the Use Case. Do we want fully pulled-together, complete or near-complete use cases, or can we allow for Use Cases which may be just beginning with identified problems and tools that maybe the community could help with/discuss in the session?
- Similarly, we may want to think about what the Discussion Section might look like structurally. Open discussion among the community? Structured/targeted discussion to address specific questions? The structure of a discussion section may of course arise naturally as we confirm our Use Cases.
- We also agreed to check-in again in about two weeks to discuss any progress we've made on talking to/confirming use-cases or speakers. Please fill out this doodle poll to help find a time to check in: (if these general times do not work, please let me know and I will be happy to add more options) [Bill: I added these notes post "check in" so left out the doodle url.]
Attendees: Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Richard Eckman, Lindsay Barbieri