From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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Action Items
Date Added | Assignee | Description |
February 2 | Ruth | Draft memo to authors |
February 2 | Ruth | Put schedule on wiki |
Closed Action Items
Date Added | Date Closed | Assignee | Description |
November 10 | February 2 | Erin/Carol | Create a feedback form for the workshops and webinars |
November 10 | February 2 | Erin | Update the template to define a spot for authors to place their logos |
November 10 | February 2 | Erin | Create an email message that we all can distribute to our listservers |
November 10 | February 2 | Ruth | Create a draft agenda for the workshop and post on a new page on the wiki |
September 15 | February 2 | Ruth | Follow-up with UIUC on involving students in module processes. UIUC students/faculty not available for authoring, but may be available for reviewing modules in the spring |
October 12 | February 2 | Carol | Talk to the AGU folks to find out why the workshop isn't showing up on the website. OBE - AGU new administration had issues with ESSI sponsoring this workshop. This never did get satisfactorily resolved. |
September 15 | October 12 | Carol | Report back when the AGU workshop is confirmed... (or not). The AGU workshop will be Tuesday afternoon 1pm-5pm, at the Marriott Marquis |
September 15 | October 12 | Carol | Follow-up with NOAA NESDIS on review process. Discussions with Scott Hausman led to hiring an editor to review the modules for consistency, etc. |
September 15 | October 12 | Matt | Follow-up with UCLA on involving students in module processes. Jillian Wallace (UCLA) has agreed to review modules. |
August 16 | October 12 | Ruth | work with preservation cluster to find more module authors. 9/1/2011 - held a briefing at yesterday's cluster telecon. Curt Tilmes promised to examine the list and sign up for a few. 10/8/2011 - Curt has signed up for a few modules and is twisting Al Fleig's arm to get him to contribute a few too... |
August 16 | October 12 | Mark Parsons | review list of modules and determine which he could sign up for. Mark will not have time to complete any modules by AGU - closing action. |
August 16 | October 12 | Erin | to investigate unique identifiers for modules (EZID) and get that set up. 9/1/2011 - Erin will assign each of the modules a DOI . 9/15/2011 - Still waiting to hear from Nancy about this. Will email the group when in hand. 10/8/2011 - Need to defer this action as it isn't possible to complete it until after the work with the EZID folks on the ESIP commons is complete. |
September 15 | September 29 | Matt | Look into options for reference style guidelines and report back - guidelines added to author's guide |
September 15 | September 15 | Ruth | Add review criteria to author guidelines |
September 1 | September 15 | Erin | Add version and date information to the template. 9/15/2011 - Ruth updated the template with version and date, as well as with title on each page... |
August 16 | September 15 | Mark Parsons | to work with the APECS group on whether or not they would be interested in data management training. 9/15/2011 - Mark has contacted the APECS group and put Ruth and Carol in touch with them. They may be interested in sessions at 2 meetings next summer and/or webinars. |
September 1 | September 15 | Ruth | Draft a writer's guide for module writers |
September 1 | September 15 | Erin | Generate an email address for questions relating to the course and add same to the template. |
September 1 | September 15 | Ruth | Work with NSIDC communications staff to figure out the best place to put "breadcrumbs" in each module. Section header/title on each slide in the upper left corner. |