AQCluster Telecons 18Jun10
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
June 18, 2010 Telecon
1:30pm EDT
Phone: 866-489-0573 (US, Canada, VOIP); 205-354-0149 (international)
Meeting Code: *2279431*
Topics (feel free to add an item to the agenda):
- New activity updates
- AIP-3 Update
- GEO AQ CoP Website (A. Pinkett, E Robinson)
- GEO AQ CoP presentation by Gary Foley, EPA and by R. Husar, WashU at HTAP Brussels Meeting
- CyAir
- ESIP Summer Meeting
- AQWG FY10 Budget status
- Travel
- Budget (for ESIP Summer meeting): $3500
- A large AQ meeting ended up not being planned for the summer meeting. Should discuss options.
- Request: Support for Erin to attend and run AQWG session.
- Budget (for representing ESIP at meetings/conferences): $2500
- Spent: 1 trip to National AQ Conference (S. Falke)
- Requested: 1 trip to IGARSS in July (E. Robinson)
- Budget (for ESIP Summer meeting): $3500
- AIP-3
- Budget: $10k for graduate student maintenance, upgrade, and training on GEOSS AQ Community Infrastructure
- In progress: AQ Community Catalog and Infrastructure updates
- Remote meeting technology
- Budget: $2k
- Planned: purchase or rental of microphones, web cams (E. Robinson)
- Virtual/physical Workshop
- Budget: $20k (contingent on matching funds from co-sponsor)
- Discussion topic for telecons and Summer meeting
- Travel
- ESIP transition to Drupal for collaboration site (transition from current wikimedia site)
- Draft ESIP site
- Any concerns in starting to use Drupal for AQWG coordination and collaboration?