AQCluster Telecons 16Oct09
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
October 16, 2009 Telecon
1:30pm EDT
Phone: 866-489-0573 (US, Canada, VOIP); 205-354-0149 (international)
Meeting Code: *2279431*
Topics (feel free to add an item to the agenda):
- Air Quality Meeting during GEO-VI Plenary (See Agenda, for questions/comments e-mail David McCabe - McCabe.David at
- Next steps for developing the GEO Proposal: Air Quality Information System and GEOSS: India Air Quality and CATHALAC Applications
- GEO AQ CoP Update
- Start thinking about ESIP Winter Meeting - time needed, etc.
- FY10 AQWG Budget
- FY09 Budget request
- Actual FY09 budget was $13K ($10K for GEOSS components; $3K for travel support)
- Feel free to add additional items as they come up
- Thomas Kurosu, Cambridge
- Carol Meyer
- David McCabe
- Greg Leptoukh
- Barry Herchenrodder
- Erin Robinson
- Ana Prados
- Uma Shankar
- John McHenry