AQCluster Telecons 16Apr10
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Topics (feel free to add an item to the agenda):
- Next Virtual Workshops
- Scheduled: GEOSS Common Infrastructure and Air Quality Community Infrastructure
- April 29 (Thursday) - in conjunction with the GEOSS AIP-3 Air Quality and Health Workgroup
- Proposed: Comparison of model output and observations
- Joint workshop among RSIG, HTAP and CMAS
- need to set a date - May 14?
- Scheduled: GEOSS Common Infrastructure and Air Quality Community Infrastructure
- Carol Meyer
- Berry Herchenroder
- Greg Leptoukh
- Erin Robinson
- Bret Schichtel
- Rudy Husar
Virtual Workshops:
- common metadata needs
- need to have data and metadata harmonization
May 7 date for model-obs comparison workshop?
7-10 minutes for each group then most of time for discussion of model-model, model-observation comparison work done, use of standards and challenges
Focus on GEO Task participants?
Get information out there for review before virtual workshop
Summer Meeting
-Actual working workshop to do interoperability testing -do testing and checking -what are the issues
-output is an interoperability matrix
Volcano Event Broadcast Iceland Volcano Event workspace to other email lists (ESIP-all, etc) for input