2019 DisasterLifecycle Plan
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
ESIP Collaboration Area Strategic Plan 2019
- Co-Chair (s):
- Website (wiki):
- Monthly Meeting Day/Time:
ESIP Vision
To be a leader in promoting the collection, stewardship and use of Earth science data, information and knowledge that are responsive to societal needs.
2015-2020 Strategic Plan Goals
- Increase the use and value of Earth science data and information.
- Strengthen the ties between observations and user communities (e.g. technologies, research, education and applications).
- Promote techniques to articulate and measure the socioeconomic value and benefit of Earth science data, information, and applications.
- Position ESIP to play a major role in Earth science issues (e.g. addressing effects of climate change mitigation, adaptation and supporting sustainable science data infrastructure).
2015-2020 Strategic Plan Executive Summary
Strategic Plan Roadmap
Collaboration Area Plan
Collaboration Area Objective:
Things we may do to fulfill our objectives:
Things our collaboration area needs to deliver our objectives?
(e.g. Partnerships, in-kind support, staff support)
How will we know we are on the right track?
How will others know what we are doing in & out of ESIP?
Cross-collaboration area connections
(Identify other areas that you consider cross collaboration. Are there things that you need us to provide in support the cross collaboration?)