2016 AGU
ESSI-entials for the 2016 Fall Meeting - Dec 11-16
The AGU ESSI program leads have done a great job of planning out this coming week. Please edit this page to add/promote your work, make announcements, look for dinner pals etc here. If you are convening a poster session that will have a flash mob component - please add that to this page under Notes for the day. Tweet with #ESSI and #AGU16.
Dailly Themes
New this year, each day has a daily theme. Sessions and town halls were coordinated to try to emphasize these threads.
- Monday - Emerging Technologies
- Intelligent Systems Lightning Talks (MN 110)
- DOE CyberInfrastructure Town Hall (Lunch)
- Exploring Value in our Research Products (MW 2002)
- Data Fair Kick-off Town Hall (6:15, MS 102)
- Tuesday - Building Blocks
- Lightning talks in 'Advancing netCDF-CF for the Geoscience Community'. (MN 110)
- The Data Fair continues at lunch tomorrow with a focus on data skills. This is a session meant to be a bridge between ESSI and the rest of AGU science community. Please show up & share! (MW 2002 12:30-1:30). Ask a question and be entered to win a small drone!
- Another first & bridge between CS/geoscience is an experimental session, 'Linking Earth Systems Data to Better Address Societal Challenges' designed to teach scientist to share data as a 1st class citizen. Check out the best practices for data in oral presentations (MW 2002 1:40-3:40)
- ESSI Reception - Infusion Lounge. If you have tickets available you can use wiki page to coordinate.
- Wednesday - Collaboration
- Leptoukh Lecture + Mini Collaboration Session (8am, MW 2000)
- Union Session: Collaborative Research Infrastructures to Support Current and Future Global Challenges in Earth and Space Sciences (10:20, MW2020)
- The Data Fair continues with focus on Data Management (12:30, MW 2003)
- EarthCube also has town hall today (12:30, MW 2002)
- Ignite@AGU is tonight and will start around 6:30 at Infusion Lounge.
- Thursday - Data Life Cycle
- Today the theme is the data life cycle. It started this morning with a session on 'Persistent Identification, Publication, and Trustworthy Management of Research Resources.' There is also strong focus on reproducibility with an oral session at 10:20 and then the last Data Fair town hall will be an AMA on reproducible science. Finally, two evening town halls to note - HDF and Data Rescue.
- Friday - Tools & Viz
Notes by the Day
ESSI Schedule
If you would like to add additional sessions or content for a specific session, please edit this spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DhG0TaMDNmWTX31Cz7Tfik-69LmIJtXmpZmqDKPBePQ/edit?usp=sharing
View the ESSI-entials @ AGU Fall Meeting schedule & directory.
Data Fair
For all details: http://fallmeeting.agu.org/2016/agu-data-fair/
- Monday - Rebecca Moore, 6:15-7:15
- Tweet Qs with #AGUDataFair
- Tuesday - Data Skills, 12:30-1:30
- Tweet Qs with #AGUDataSkills
- Wednesday - Data Management, 12:30-1:30
- Tweet Qs with #AGUDataMgmt
- Thursday - Reproducible Science, 12:30-1:30
- Tweet Qs with #AGUReproducibility
From Brooks Hanson, AGU: Some updates from the Coalition on Publishing Data in the Earth and Space Science (COPDESS). First-we are updating our mailing list based on both the first and second meetings. If you would like to be off this list, just let me know. Similarly if there are others from your organization (or elsewhere) that we should add given changes in leadership, etc, send an email.
Secondly: we won’t be having a COPDESS meeting at AGU this year (there is a reserved editors’ roundtable meeting in events, but please instead attend an isamples town hall that evening). A main reason is that there’s now so much going on with respect to open data, reproducibility, ethics, and more that it was becoming very difficult to find time among competing events. Some sessions of interest are here: http://fallmeeting.agu.org/2016/agu-data-fair/
Specifically, there is a featured talk around open data from Rebecca Moore, the Director of Google Earth and Earth Engine, on Monday evening at 615 PM. This will be followed by three panel discussions over lunch Tuesday-Thursday on data skills, data management plans, and reproducibility. These are tied to various sessions in the program as well around best practices, data skills, and reproducibility. Look for these under the “data swirl.”
Directory of Repositories. AGU Publications is now linking to the Directory as a primary resource for authors, and expecting that it will grow further as a result. We hope that other publishers will also do this (and thus that more repositories will provide information). The directory is here: https://copdessdirectory.osf.io/ If you would like to add your repository, please contact Brooks Hanson or Shelley Stall (sstall@agu.org). We have imported metadata from re3data and need to activate an account so you can link to this record.
We are in discussions with the Center for Open Science and Re3data and synchronizing the COPDESS directory with the Re3data metadata records for repositories. This will continue to be developed over the next few months.
Training: We are updating the “best practices” part of the COPDESS directory with additional information. We’ve recently posted a slide deck on best practices in publications for citing and presenting data—related to a session at the Fall Meeting where this will be showcased by a series of talks from leading researchers across diverse fields: IN23F: Linking Earth Systems Data to Better Address Societal Challenges: A View of the Earth from the Interior to the Edge of Space Supported by Data to Bring Enhanced Understanding-- Tuesday, 13 December 2016 13:40 - 15:40 Moscone West – 2002 (see the “best practices” link on www.copdess.org )
These accompany other best practices for publishers and some additional slide decks from recent presentations. We’re also organizing a session at the SSP conference next year on these topics and sessions at the joint JPGU-AGU meeting.
See also two recent items in Science this week: First they have an editorial expression of concern over lost data on a recent paper—one of the first such statements I’ve seen, and one highlighting the need for data to be in trusted and domain repositories: http://science.sciencemag.org/content/354/6317/1242.1
also, a paper on software reproducibility is out in the same issue—this was a result of an Arnold/AAAS workshop led by Victoria Stodden and Marcia McNutt. It’s in part aspirational but aligned with other broader efforts around software availability and citation and provides several steps to reach the aspirations: http://science.sciencemag.org/content/354/6317/1240
ESSI-ential Booths
- Belmont Forum - 225
- Belmont Forum e-Infrastructure - 505
- CUAHSI -422
- DataOne & DataCite - 304
- EarthCube - 509
- ESIP - 247
- Esri - 623
- IEDA - 244
- IRIS - 423
- NASA - 535
- NOAA - 1105
- NSF - 405
- OOI - 245
- Schmidt Ocean Institute - 223
- UNAVCO - 523
- USGS - 241
- Yours? Edit & add
Exhibit Hours
- Monday: 18:00-20:00 (Reception)
- Tuesday: 09:30-17:00
- Wednesday: 09:30-17:00
- Thursday: 09:30-17:00
- Friday: 09:30-13:30
Other Opportunities
- AGU Workshop: How to build trust in your data repository
Jan 5-6, Washington DC https://dataservices.agu.org/data-services/data-management-workshops/workshop-build-trust-data-repository/
- EDM Workshop
- ESIP Winter Meeting - early registration ends 12/18/16