2013 highlights/report given at the 2014 Winter ESIP Federation Meeting

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)


  • Developed and executed plan for spinning down and triaging existing projects using Amazon EC2 and ESIP provisioned services. Cameron Goodale and Erin Robinson helped in this regard.
  • Convened committee to accept and provision use of ESIP P&S for proposal by Jeff McWhirter, Peter Griffith and Chris Lynnes to host a RAMADDA data repository to act as a test-bed for both the Earth Science Collaboratory (ESC) efforts and the development of the ABoVE information management system. ABoVE is a NASA sponsored field campaign studying impacts of climate change on the Arctic and Boreal region.
  • Convened two committee telecons to discuss planning for P&S.

Fall 2013 Plan

Erin Robinson proposed some ideas for P&S

1. On the testbed side - There is a proposal on the table to move the Testbed Advisory Board to an admin committee (details here <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WzE54AFMf-6IP1nwLBDeP-jPS2A_Nism5-vOxer3UiM/edit>).

2. I'd like to see P&S grow beyond just the testbed activity (if you are game). Promote across ESIP is clusters creating 'State of Art' or state of practice docs that describe status of tech or convention at a given time. P&S could take this and have a different group share monthly, while at same time collecting these docs for the ESIP Commons. Testbed projects also write these.

3. Finally, with Yolanda Gil, I'm pulling together a professional dev 'executive training' for domain scientist to learn enough to be proficient in workflows, semantic web, data management to apply to their science and work with the technologist. We'd tried to put this into Education and they are more interested in K-16. May be this is also a P&S activity?


I didn't really get a chance to get P&S off the ground but I'm hoping that Christine W. should she be elected will have a lot more success and I'll provide as much help as I can.