20110902: Student Fellow Call
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
- Meeting Feedback
- Teacher workshop big success
- Difficult communicating technical details to general public.
- ESIP Welcoming - Do something at the very beginning ice breaker; Lots knew each other, but didn't know fellows.
- Pubcrawl was helpful for meeting.
- General Committee feedback
- Clusters well-organized hard to find a fit
- Climate Half-day Workshop at Winter Meeting 2012
- Use climate as theme to tie collaboration areas together
- Related activities: Communicating Climate Change using new technology tools; Energy Climate Workshop
- Carol/Erin - responsible for logistics
- Connections between clusters/climate
- Thousands of datasets coming out. No one is documenting - who participated in creating algorithms, whose using; no documentation
- Glacier - IPCC, analysis didn't cite data;
- Could tie to semantic web; data quality
- Engaging public in climate observation (rain gage data; post pictures)
- Communicating climate change and what can they do to participate (engage)
- Semantic Web? demo or presentation?
- Tie theme to collaboration - connections.
- Action - Fellows take ideas back to the clusters and get their input.
- Student involvement
- Need to make a flyer
- Decide which schools/departments are needed.
- Poster competition - good practice opportunity
- Oleg - heading up poster competition/engage local schools.
- Brent - Look over the agenda; Work with Oleg, Tom, Eric to identify spots for discovery, IQ and semantic web.
- Jesse - will spearhead the communication climate change to
- Tom - Introduction speaker of tying groups together
- 3 talks w/20 mins each for both sessions - 6 talks total.