2006-07-30 GEOSS User V - AQ Data Systems
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Current and Near Future AQ Information System of Systems
- Goals of AQ Information Systems is to Aid:
- Provide Sataus and Trand info
- Monitoring Progress
- Informing and Educate the Public
- Formulating Policy and
- .......
- Specific Objectives of IT Technoloies is to Facilitate the 5 Cs:
- Cooperation - Sharing Resources, Tools. Collection of Resources - Foraml Catalogs (GCMD, ESG), Web Search (Google, del.icio.us, Flickr), User submissions
- Coordination - Community webplaces; Goals White paper (wiki); Status indicators; ToDo lists; Calendars
- Communication - Discussion forum - Reports, Blogs, Discussion pages,
- Competition - Market place (??)
- Coopetition - Where to cooperate, where to compete
..Current Situation
- Observational an model data are emegrin on the internet; large resitance to usage ; poor integration; Dedicated 'Stove Pipe' Systems -> Stiff and limited decision support
..Near-Term Furure
- Diverse users, More sensory/model data-GEOSS; Extensive integration and 'mashing'-Web 2.0; Network effect ->Responsive decisin support
..Possible Group Activites to Get There
- ESIP AQ workgroups, wiki workspace for resource collection, sharing and discussion
- White paper prepared by an ad hoc virtual workgroup (using open collaborative technolologies
- Recruting and presentation venues: GEOSS User Workshop, Jul 2006, Denver; Fall AGU, Dec 2006, San Francisco; HTAP Workshop (?)
- Interop Experiments (GALEON, GSN, NASA)
- Rapid Prototyping Plaforms; Google (rapid, continuous upgrades, sloppy) or Microsoft (slow, perfection) philosophy?
- Focused app areas: Real-time AQ Monitoring Consoles; Informing the Public; Regulatory Event Analysis
..White Paper
- Purpose: Community assessment of AQ IT; User feedback to GEOSS Architecture; Aid to agency planners
- Group Approach: White paper - we all participate; we all use it in for our respective environment, we all benefit
AQ Data System Architectures
..User-Driven: User Drives Design; Info Value (to the User) is the Measure
..Distributed: Structure Extends over Many Dimensions
..Loosely Couppled: Software Components, System of Systems, Architcture of Participation
Information Technologies
..Software Components: Data as Service, Web Services
..Interoperability Technologies: Standards/Conventions, Wrappers and Adopters, Workflow Engines
..Web 2.0 Technologies: Searching, Tagging, RSS, AJAX, O'Riley for AQ...
..Human Factors
- The 5 C's: Communication, Coordination, Cooperation, Competion, Coopetition
- Attracting user participation
- Maximize the 'Network Effect'....
- Grasping and harnessing Web 2.0
AQ IT Support for End Users, Programs, Agencies and Projects
====..End Users: AQ Managment, Science