110915 DataManagementNotes
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Participants: Ruth Duerr, Ron Weaver, Bob Downs, Matt Mayernik, Jeff Arnfield, Erin Robinson, Carol Meyer
- Review action items
- Ruth - breadcrumbs on the module. Name on each slide in upper left corner is sufficient. (closed)
- Erin - Created email for questions related to short course (closed)
- Ruth - Drafted author guidelines. (closed)
- Workshop update?
- AGU status?
- Modules status
- Review author's guide
- Ruth created the author's guide
- 10 slides - does it include shell or content? ~ 7 body pages per module
- don't want module titles and what's on the wiki to to diverge
- In general reference - add style guide for references - AGU/AMS style guide
- Ruth created the author's guide
- Discuss module review process
- Review Criteria:
- Add to author's guide what review process
- Want to make sure the content is balanced, concise and complete
- Conforms to author's guide
- Reasonable ref check
- Understandability/Simplicity - to non-expert (right level of details)
- Undergraduate level or general college level
- reasonably simple for non expert to understand
- Review Process:
- review board
- Blind peer-review
- Blind review within the board
- Bob Downs volunteered to help review.
- Each module reviewed by one other person and need a way to track that.
- Reviewers can make changes; evolve as we go w/ questions.
- When modules are nearly set - running them by NOAA for review.
- NESDIS Headquarters -EDMC (Jeff DLB/Lewis)
- Review Criteria:
- Schedule - October 15 for draft
- Stipend/Honorarium - $100 If we think we need someone to edit/vet these may be good to pay.
- Could UIUC students review?
- Actions
- Ruth add contact email and version to template and upload to the wiki
- Erin email group when clarify identifier issue.
- Carol - Action for Glossary.
- Ruth will follow-up on involving UIUC Students
- Carol will follow-up on NOAA NESDIS reviewers
- Bob Downs volunteered to review
- Ruth will add review criteria to author guidelines
- Matt Mayernik is looking into options for reference style guidelines and report back with a few options
- Carol will report back when AGU side meeting is confirmed.