'Slippy' Multi-Server WMS Client
Presenter: Karl Benedict, Sr. Research Scientist, Earth Data Analysis Center
Over the past year EDAC has been developing a lightweight web-based WMS mapping client that provides a responsive interface for displaying data hosted by multiple WMS services in a co-registered image. This interface has adopted some of the interface/functionality cues from Google Maps - a 'slippy', tiled interface that incrementally fills in the map as the user moves through map space; simple zoom to fixed zoom levels - though based upon an open source html/javascipt/css API. The client interface is based upon standard web technologies that are easily deployed on a very basic web server, with the image acquisition/integration handled in the client interface.
This workshop will provide an overview and introduction to the client interface, the code behind it, and the requirements for customizing it for use with any available WMS service(s).
Duration: 2 hr
The source code for the demonstration may be [downloaded here].
The slides for this presentation are available for File:Benedict summer2007 slippy workshop.pdf