WCS NetCDF-CF Updates

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

WCS for NetCDF-CF Updates

2010-05-05: Juelich updated to the latest version

New Features and Bug Fixes

2010-04-14: Fixed NCML interpretation to avoid accumulation of rounding errors when creating values for dimension variables.

2010-04-15: Allowed querying without bbox. The spec requires either time or bbox filter.

2010-04-15: Re-enabled month, day_of_week, and hour_of_day filters to allow queries like: every noon hour of every weekend in every summer month. This is a non-standard extension.

2010-04-15: switched from standard python urlparse to own version, to allow semicolon to be used as a separator as it is used in specs.

2010-04-27: Optimization to allow big queries: 500 MB cubes used to cause out of memory exception.

2010-04-27: Optimized datafed client to do big aggregations with multiple small queries. This enables aggregation of multi-gigabyte queries.

2010-04-29: Fix to allow dimensions to have only one coordinate.