Talk:Subcommittee on Interoperability

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

How about WPS? -- Steve Young (SteveYoung) 16:40, 30 April 2008 (EDT)

Should we start tracking the emerging Web Processing Services standard??

Subcommittee wiki structure -- Erinmr 17:41, 14 May 2008 (EDT)

Hey Joe, I posted the minutes to the Subcommittee page (new section for telecon). For consistency, should we do the telecons for this group the same way? Have an agenda page and then move the minutes once the call is over?

Re: Subcommittee wiki structure -- joe tikvart (Jtikvart) 17:41, 19 May 2008 (EDT)

Nick, In response to Erin's question, it's your call. As a small subset of the overall data summit, I would just include the interoperability subcommittee in with the main CAQDS page, rather than start a new section. Otherwise, for the causal user, all of the pages might get confusing. I think that you see the interoperability activity as more limited and shorter than the overall summit activity. You may also want to discuss this on the conference call this Wednesday.