Sustainable Data Management/20161209 telcon notes

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

To connect

  • Dial in using your phone: :United States: +1 (571) 317-3122
    • Access Code: 618-011-013


  1. summaries/progress from the three subgroups:
    1. ROI
      1. ESIP session
      2. Winter 2017 workshop
    2. Landscape
    3. CTV
  2. AGU
    1. events/items we should anticipate hearing about?



Regrets: Nancy


  1. ROI
    1. ESIP session
    2. Winter 2017 workshop
      1. participants settled, logistics soon.
      2. dates: Wed-Fri 2017-01-25 to 2017-01-27 (travel Tue & Fri)
  2. Landscape
  3. CTV