Sustainable Data Management/20160311 telecon notes

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

ESIP Sustainable Data Management cluster 11 March 2016, 4 pm EST

Participants present: 13

Margaret O’Brien
Corinna Gries
Philip Tarrant
Anne Wilson
Abigail Benson
Dave Rugg
Cynthia Parr
Dave Vieglais
Erin Robinson
Ruth Duerr
Sherry Lake
Matthew Jones
Ann Chiu


Tempe workshop (Nov 2015) highlights (Focus groups)
ESIP summer meeting planning
Future workshop planning

Overview from Tempe

Landscape and Gap Analysis

Goal: an analysis of existing repos
Outcomes: Survey of current capabilities, Analysis of re3data, COPDESS, –users understand which repositories match their needs

Common Technical Vision

Goal: Interoperable data, better adherence to standards
Outcomes: Defined common service endpoints, Best practices for data packaging, Best practices for developers applying standards (e.g., PROV)

Return on Investment

Goal: Show value of data center relative to its cost, [JIST report link here]
Outcomes: Common vocabulary and metrics, Reports to stakeholders, Assist users with repository choices