Summer 2007 Session: Applying Service-Oriented Architecture Concepts to USGEO Near-Term Opportunities

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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The USGEO Architecture and Data Management Working Group (ADM) proposes to hold a session on applying service-oriented architecture concepts to USGEO near-term opportunities. The ADM is currently preparing a white paper on the benefits of a service-oriented architecture approach to the Integrated Earth Observation System (IEOS), the US contribution to the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). A basic tenet of GEOSS, and of IEOS, is that interoperability is required for success, and that interoperability pre-supposes integration at least at the level of the interfaces between components.

There are two observing system concepts (referred to as Near-Term Opportunities, or NTOs) which are far enough along to help the ADM with a proof of concept project. They are the Air Quality Assessment and Forecasting (AQ) NTO and the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) NTO groups. Toward that end, the ADM is organizing a two-part session during the open meeting day. The first set, to be held in the morning, will consist of simultaneous, but separate, meetings to answer the following question: “If I ruled the world, what would I in [AQ/NIDIS] need from you [NIDIS/AQ] that would make my job easier, and what could I contribute to you that I think would help you?” Put another way, what cross-community applications do not currently exist, but should. For instance are there models and model outputs that can benefit both communities, such as coordinated climate and meteorological models? Are their shared needs for certain types of data such as land cover data? Are there known interactions between the domains, such as drought-related impacts on air quality? Are there shared interests in and overlapping needs for services such as geospatial display and analysis of information?

Results from the morning sessions will be reported out at the afternoon joint session, at which the consensus opinion of the group will vote on the ‘services or service mashups or application(s) most likely to succeed.’ Time permitting, we will then try to do some designing, and possibly building, of those pieces we think are most viable. Ultimately, we’d like to be able to take advantage of the collaboration potential in the room, if not actually produce a beta-level tool that the Federation could then prototype and test.

Participants should read the IEOS Strategic Plan, the Air Quality and NIDIS Near-Term Opportunity Documents, the ADM Roadshow presentation, and any of a variety of information pertaining to service oriented architectures prior to attending. Most documentation is available at; follow the links for Documentation (top left) or for the Architecture and Data Management Working Group (at the bottom left).

Who should attend?

  • applications folks - experience with design of web-based applications
  • discipline folks - domain experts on the science side who understand where the gaps are in the available data, models, and decision support tools - if we have some cross-discipline folks or multi-discipline folks, cool!
  • web services people - familiar enough with the service side to talk about what's realistic
  • SOA mavens, mashup builders, architects...

Contact: Kathy Fontaine,