Talk:GEOSS AIP AQ Scenario

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Revision as of 17:27, January 21, 2008 by Rhusar (talk | contribs)

I was particularly happy that Gary and Phil were thinking of an air quality-oriented, smoke event scenario. I'm quite certain that there would be a strong multi-agency and international response to the Call for Participation in such an attractive GEOSS Architecture Pilot Scenario.

  • I can submit the note as a 'position paper' to the session description as suggested by George Percivall. However, I would prefer to compare notes with you and Gary before I submit it.
  • May I suggest the ESIP wiki as one of the places where the community interaction might take place. A scenario summary can go on the OGC site.
  • The October 07 California fires would be a terrific scenario..It could incorporate many aspects of GEOSS as well as being a useful contribution to the Exceptional Event Rule implementation

-- Rhusar 16:00, 21 January 2008 (EST) to, cc,,,,,, date Jan 18, 2008 4:38 PM subject Re: GEO/ADM AIP Ispra Meeting

hide details Jan 18 (3 days ago)


Phil et al.,

Rudy and other ESIP folks are interested in the 'GEOSS Scenario' for the Ispra meeting. This group would like to help out with this... I've cc'd a few people.

           /US                                                     To
                                    Phil Dickerson/RTP/USEPA/US@EPA
           01/18/2008 05:21                                        cc
           PM                       David McCabe/DC/USEPA/US@EPA,
                                    Johne White/RTP/USEPA/US@EPA,
                                    Scott Jackson/RTP/USEPA/US@EPA
                                    GEO/ADM AIP Ispra Meeting


Can you send me a copy of the AIP pilot template and (if you have one) a draft of what you were working on with Gary to present at the Ispra meeting?

I'd like to have a conversation about the scope of the "scenario" that we put forward and coordinate with Rudy Husar on this. Rudy has put together some material before focusing on wildfires and intercontinental transport.
