DisasterResponse telecon 2015-02-27

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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When: Tuesday February, 17 10:00 – 11:00 am (Pacific) / 1:00 - 2:00 pm (Eastern)

Organizers: Karen Moe, Emily Law



To Join the online portion of the Personal Conference meeting

1. Go to https://esipfed.webex.com

2. Click the “Meeting Center” tab

3. Select the DISASTER RESPONSE|[1]

If a password is required, enter the Meeting Password: 23140358

To start the audio portion of the Personal Conference meeting w/ phone

Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): 1-877-668-4493

Call-in toll number (US/Canada): +1-408-600-3600

Call-in toll number (US/Canada)*: +1-571-918-6008

Global call-in numbers: https://esipfed.webex.com/esipfed/globalcallin.php?serviceType=MC&ED=9910728&tollFree=1

Toll-free dialing restrictions: http://www.webex.com/pdf/tollfree_restrictions.pdf

Attendee access code: 231 403 58

Notes <Notes taken by Sean Barberie>

In attendance: Karen Moe, Ken Keiser, Bob Chen, Dave Jones, Maggi Glasscoe, Sean Barberie—Emily Law to join us a few minutes late

Discussion of the test bed project

<Some discussion here that I missed as my connection dropped out>

  • Bob: is there a definition of what types of data products you’re looking for? Just static products? What’s the definition?
  • Dave: We are open to anything that the mapping environment will display. The testbed uses an Esri platform so anything that esri can display will work.

Exchange Core links to be sent to whole group.

  • Dave: Maybe create a second spreadsheet (other than the e-decider one) so that we can make a listing of other data sets to potentially test—a federation spreadsheet of data sets.
  • Maggi: The data sets in the e-decider spreadsheet are provided purely as an example.
  • Karen: If there is a default that everyone is using, some existing method, then that’s probably a good place to start. So it might be a good idea to add a couple of columns since some of the products are different versions of the same data.
  • Maggi: Yes, this is all of the pertinent information that needs to go into different fields and get populated. So we can set it up however.

>> Emily joins the conversation

  • Emily: in each column we could identify what sort of information we want to collect. As the testbed expands, we’ll eventually be able to open it up to the entirety of ESIP to let them add their data products. We will then have a data repository that people can access.
  • Bob: We need a clear definition of what is a product. Also we want to make sure we don’t reinvent catalogs and metadata systems that already exist—mine metadata instead of re-entering stuff that doesn’t have to be re-entered.
  • Karen: and the idea that as this goes through the testbed these become ESIP trusted data products as Dave was describing. A long term goal may be discovery of data products in their original location. As far as describing what is a product, that should be fairly simple. Maggi do you have such a definition?
  • Maggi: we have four or five main products that we have honed in on as the main data products that we’ve concentrated on for delivering to the clearing house for the exercise. Well, probably about three that we will concentrate on. Want to show how each of the data layers can be shown separately and aggregated. What to work very closely with the data providers to show this. So we’ve decided on critical infrastructure layers with damage and loss estimation, deformation layers, and aftershock layers.
  • Karen: so how do we decide which types of products we consider data products?
  • Bob: depends on the tools available to complete the task. I would have thought we were interested in various products available through services but I could be wrong. We definitely have a lot of WS, WPS, etc services we’d like to have tested.
  • Karen: I think we’ll need to resolve this idea of what our data product definition is.
  • Karen asks dave about the next steps.
  • Dave: the testbed is for the disaster group to build and share data sets. The disaster testbed is to standup and instance in the collaboration environment so products can be tested. Maggi can access the data sets and spreadsheet and we at stormcenter can see if it all displays and how it works in the collaboration environment. But the initial step is just one person accessing data sets, putting them into the collaboration environment, and seeing how they display.
  • Dave: Maggi, if it makes sense I can put you in contact with Tom Wibble (sp?) at stormcenter and offer an hour of his time to speak with you and show you how to access the Help.
  • Emily: < could not hear comment >
  • Dave: Tom works on billing and job numbers and so he could help Maggi or we could just offer up a couple tests—say run through the products and see if he runs into any problems. Ultimately, what we want to come out of this whole disaster cluster is, lots of us can test datasets and we can identify problems with the formats if they don’t work.
  • Karen: ideally we would eventually have a self-service testbed. People would get their credentials and get their products themselves and do that initial testing to see if it looks right, as a self-motivated thing without requiring a lot of external resources.
  • Maggi: I have time next week to test this together.
  • Dave: I’ll email Tom and copy Maggi.
  • Karen: we don’t have a lot of time left so we should probably focus on Emily’s strategic plan.

Discussion of the Strategic Plan

  • Emily: we are working on strategic plans for 2015 to 2020, the roadmap that we put together is action oriented. ESIP would like the working groups to contribute to the roadmap by mapping each group’s plan and the actions that would be useful to help ESIP move forward. We touched on this during the last talk in going through the disaster cluster’s strategic plan and listed the ESIP strategic goals. What we would like to make sure we do is finalize on those because the timeline that we have is between now and the first week of March. Beginning of March and mid-march we’re going to synthesize and have a roadmap that’s ready for community use, then finalize and get community approval. So right now is an opportunity to look across ESIP and reflect on how it’s currently working. On the google doc there are four actions associated with each goal. I want everyone to look at that and at the ESIP strategic roadmap. We can put down activities that may be useful for us to work towards.
  • Karen: so I’m looking at the esip disaster lifecycle strategic plan for 2014 and it has those four goals. The strategic actions, I’m not clear on this spreadsheet, it looks like it’s an integration of the full esip priorities. We want to make sure that the disasters lifecycle cluster is represented properly everywhere.
  • Emily: Yes, exactly. Based on this strategic plan, these activities that map to strategic goals, these appear on the roadmap.
  • Karen: for our next get together we’ll put these links right in the email so everyone can look at them. I’ll look them over and see if I can make any further connections.
  • Emily: everyone please take a look soon, since our next telecom is not until mid-march, which is after our current timeframe. I’ll send these links out to the entire group.
  • Karen: we have a few more minutes, maybe we can discuss the summer meeting for a minute and look for hot topics.
  • Emily: I think the sharing experience of adding products to the testbed and testing them would be excellent. Perhaps additional user communities that we can engage.
  • Bob: hey Karen, as you probably know, everyone who would go to the meeting on NASA funding need to get their <something> in right away. Is there a specific activity for the cluster?
  • Karen: yes, I think that we can commit to holding a session at the summer meeting. We would need to buckle down and figure out the scope of the things that we need to discuss. I would really hope that within a couple months we would have two or three people who exercised the testbed. So that by the summer meeting we would be in a good position to demonstrate the testbed and align it with our strategic goals.
  • Dave: That sounds like a great approach and could be one of the main topics for a breakout session. Even accessing Exchange Core data.
  • Karen: I think we would want to start promoting it as soon as we can. So it may be a stretch goal to do that by the summer time.
  • Bob: If there were some specific activity that could justify the travel that would be good.
  • Karen: I see your point.
  • Erin Robinson: Bob, it was useful for me to hear the need for justification, the call for sessions will go out tomorrow for the summer meeting and posters would be another potential avenue for presentations. Let me know what else I can do to help people make that justification.
  • Maggi: will there be remote participation? Because we may not be able to get our travel approved.
  • Erin: yes, there will be a remote option.
  • Bob: quick question, I got an email today about iscram (sp?) workshop in Norway in May, is anyone else participating in that?

Gratitude, closing remarks, end.

In attendance: Karen Moe, Ken Keiser, Bob Chen, Dave Jones, Maggi Glasscoe, Sean Barberie—Emily Law to join us a few minutes late