P&S Monthly Feb 19, 2010
Participants: Rob Raskin, Daniel Ziskin, Yuechen Chi, Patricia Reiff, Phil Yang, Tyler Stevens, Carol Meyer, Brian Rogan
1. Plans for an online unified directory of Federation people, products, and services
Rob Raskin described an idea where ESIP Federation partner products and services could be found. He noted that GCMD is one place to access products and to a lesser extent, services. The idea would be to leverage existing registries and portals already in existence. Added value would include allowing people to register as experts, their skills and would enhance the number of service offerings available through GCMD. The portal would have to capture the flavor of what the ESIP Federation is, allowing it to serve an online networking function for SBAs, active committees and clusters.
2. Requirements for a member service exchange bank
3. Proposed 2010 budget request Media:testbed0218.doc
4. Testbed status