Talk:NASA ROSES08: Regulatory AQ Applications Proposal- Technical Approach

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Revision as of 13:12, August 2, 2008 by Erinmr (talk | contribs)
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Proposal participation from Co-Is -- JoeVaughan 14:55, 2 August 2008 (EDT)

As I read through the proposal on the wiki, I find I have various questions that I'll likely compile and send along soon. But, generally, am I correct in thinking that I'm welcome to make friendly edits to the proposal via the wiki? Or is that something you want to keep in-house? on the discussion page ( explan that it will inspire others to participate...

Re: Proposal participation from Co-Is -- Rhusar 14:56, 2 August 2008 (EDT)

yes that kind of participation is pecisely what we are hoping for. go for it JO

  • Erin, this can be an even better wiki experiment than the NSF proposal ..
  • Basen on Jo, Doug, Bret , Greg, I am thinking of making EE DSS more GEOSSy, I think they will go for it.

Notes -- Erinmr 01:11, 11 July 2008 (EDT)

  • Could 5 smaller events put you over the 1 year PM standard or does it have to be one event that puts you over? Would make a difference in if you pay attention to lower PM values or not.
  • Significant, continuous area is out of attainment for the yearly 15 ug/m3 standard. New non-attainment in the NW
    • Values you "throw away" (happen less than 2% of day) that don't necessarily put you over 24hr standard (check)
    • Check out official design values
  • Everyone of the glide paths have markers on them (2006, 2018) - what about interaction of events with glide path (western U.S.?)
  • Other anomalies/checks - can't be more than x% different than nearest neighbor or more than y% different from previous hour.
  • FASTNet - needs archive of data and events potentially something NASA could do.
    • Direct help to States b/c events tend to be larger than one State area.
    • Helpful for Regional Haze Rule that the end is in 2064 and they may not recognize an EE that upsets the glide path until much later
  • Potential End Users
    • Tom Moore, CIRA
    • Southeast/Chat?
    • Other State/Regional participants.
  • Any NASA tool for detecting Fireworks? Maybe OMI NOx...
  • Using OMI AI/NOx ratio to determine smoke age. Older smoke doesn't have a NOx signal.