Sustainable Data Management/20160722 ESIP summer mtg

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

Notes 7_22 Sustainable Data Management

Next steps:

Group ROI

Breakout session notes:

Develop framework for ROI analysis

For whom (different stakeholders, and their motivations) is the ROI measured -
Purely business approach by the repository
Repository maturity
Data set maturity (degree of integration with other data)
Decide on approach:
Case study,
Provide a place within ESIP to collect user stories, count publications
Guidelines to do an assessment but leave it to the repository
How do we know that we succeeded when we are done with the evaluation
Roles of small vs larger repos
Value of small repositories -
Parameters may differ from large repo params
Their role may be peer-pressure (social)
Federators (eg, dataone) params
May be more technical

Group Landscape/Gap Analysis

Breakout session notes:

Identify needs

Understand content in re3data|copdess.
Eg, confirm: re3data is canonical, copdess is view + additional info
maintenance frequency, responsible parties.
Contact: ?Shelley Stall?
Understand activities of copdess to avoid duplication
Schema used by COS
Best mechanisms for conversation
Apply peer pressure to get data into the registries or update (via Shelley etc)

Group Technical Vision

Identify both gaps and overlaps, to avoid straining an already overloaded funding system\
Identify value of the small and large repositories
Identify the common things we need
also note other groups that we overlap with.

Breakout groups of interest this week

Other breakout groups or clusters that we overlap with, and should be aware of their work

Data Commons (Breakout)

Session summary: http:// Session summary: breakout promoted easier use. Need a mechanism - how can repos be coupled?

The things small repos want to share are

Shared: search mechanisms
Tools for researchers

Note: a lot of what we do to 'sustain data' is invisible work, and most of what gets funded is the bells and whistles (eg, web apps). how do we make the invisible work more appreciated?


their focus is the preservation of data. some of that is by the repos.
for sustDM, the repos is a POV for organizing tasks and potential collaboration, because they offer DM services.

Action items


  1. needs to meet and nail down questions to ask
  2. (perhaps meet in November in Arizona again)


  1. find up to date info (Shelley Stall)
  2. apply peer pressure where needed to get copdes/re3data up to date.


  1. Join the mailing list, if needed
  2. Attend monthly calls
  3. Meet up at RDA/International Data Week in Denver
  4. Winter ESIP