ESIP Expertise Working Group
Next Telecon
- Friday June 25, 2:30pm EDT (11:30am PDT)
- Dial: 800-508-7631
- Access Code: *1297219*
- Agenda:
- Review of the skills registered in the Skills Database
- Help identify categories for an ESIP expert skills directory. Federation members will be able to register their skills in a searchable directory - to include skill categories, expertise levels and any privacy flags.
- See the initial category list: [Categories]
Potential Uses of the Expert Database
- Match Federation members with GEO teams working on funded "Earth Observations for Decision Support" projects
- Spawn new collaborations
- Create a skills "bank" where "ESIP hours" accumulate by providing a technical service needed by some Federation member, and then spent to obtain a service from a different Federation member.