Configuring NILU - EBAS to WCS

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

The NILU - EBAS Web Coverage Service for Point Data

Home page in English

Service Page for sample of EBAS data

This WCS service is a test for aq-ogc-services framework, serving two paramters from NILU EBAS system. The data contains some small differences compared to CIRA/VIEWS or EPA AIRNOW service, which makes automatic browsing it difficult. So the datafed browser does some pre and post processing operations on it.

  • The data is daily, but hour is reported at 06:00 instead of 00:00.
  • The data has other time offsets than 06:00, like 08:00
  • Missing data is expressed as NULL, 99.999, 999.99 or 99.99

These differences are adapted by installing the following routines:

  • DescribeCoverage time dimension is changed from 06:00 offset to 00:00 offset
  • Before querying data, the url parameter TimeSequence=2009-01-01T06:00:00 is changed to TimeSequence=2009-01-01T00:00:00/2009-01-01T23:00:00 to query data on any hour of one day.
  • Resulting rows are filtered by missing data codes.
  • Resulting datetimes are normalized to 00:00

Core Catalog

Datafed Browser