Approved Excom Minutes/Excom 2015/August 2015

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
  • Denise Hills, Nomination Committee
  • Ken Keiser, Chair, C&B
  • Tyler Stevens, Chair, Partnership
  • Ethan Davis, Chair, IT&I
  • Christine White, Chair, Products and Services
  • Erin Robinson, Staff
  • Annie Burgess, Staff
  • Emily Law, Vice President
  • Justin Goldstein, Chair, Data Stewardship
  • Bill Teng, FiCom
  • Margaret Mooney, Education
  • Ted Habermann, Type III Rep


  1. Approval of June Minutes
    Christine White motioned to approve Minutes as amended and Denise Hills seconded. The minutes were approved by acclamation.
  2. Staff Reports
    Executive Director
    Erin Robinson thanked everyone for their work on the Summer Meeting. She also reported that FES established a finance committee, which has meet and are in the process of starting the FY16 budget for ESIP. The FES audit came back mostly positive with some recommendations. Erin also reported that the NASA award was extended through 2017.
    Community Director
    Annie Burgess is working with the Open Science Framework to help organize the the independent TRL evaluations for NASA AIST. Annie will give monthly reports to Products and Services about the evaluation progress.
  3. Meeting Updates
    Summer Meeting 2015
    Emily Law extended a thank you to staff for a job well done. There were 295 registered attendees, 5 cancelations, 22 remote, 12 students and 17 teachers. The Summer Meeting recap will go to EOS and a NASA newsletter. There were 120 returns of the Summer Meeting Survey. There was a bi-modal distribution on opinion of Asilomar related to network connectivity, spread out nature of rooms, and hotel room quality. People liked poster sessions, but wanted them to be longer. They also felt the State of the Federation seemed rushed. Most people felt the remote participation wasn’t well executed - the ESIP staff have discussed how to improve this. Many people asked for more networking opportunities - staff and Visioneers are thinking about how there can be more unstructured downtime at the meeting.
  4. Strategic Plan Update
    • Action: Denise Hills recommended a Strategic Plan WebEx to allow community comment before putting it to a vote, which should be open to ESIP-at-large, i.e. anyone interested to ESIP’s strategic plan. Voting will be limited to voting reps from Member Organizations.
  5. Committee Reports
    Bill Teng reported that FiCom is working to formalize a budget process. FiCom meet over lunch at the Summer Meeting to discuss budget schedules and the budget for travel support for invited speakers. They hope to have budget schedules ready before next fiscal year.
    Ken Keiser reported that there is a pending request from the Semantic Web group to form a Standing Committee, which should be an agenda item for the next ExCom meeting.
    Tyler Stevens reported that all partnership applications were approved. We haven’t received any new applications.
    Data Stewardship
    Justin Goldstein reported that since the Summer Meeting, various members of DS have worked to develop a strategic document that details how the committee sees its role as both a body and as a unit of ESIP. Various DS members are active in the GEO effort to create GEOSS Data Management Principles Draft Implementation Guidelines. Other DS members will be involved in developing ESIP's response to these plans. A few committee members are meeting to scope a future paper on best practices for the use of identifiers for non-dataset entities.
    Education Committee
    Margaret Mooney reported that the 1-day workshop went well at the Summer Meeting. There were 16 attendees, of those polled 60% said the workshop was very good, 30% said excellent. The main topic of next Education telecons will be how the Education Committee can blend with the ESIP Strategic Plan.
    Ethan Davis reported that It&I has a Rant and Rave talk coming up this Thursday.
    Products and Services
    Christine White reported that at the ESIP Summer Meeting there were a lot of Testbed and P&S activities. Funding Friday was a great success – everyone had a great time the night before making posters. People liked the post-dinner happy-hour style poster making. Christine noted that P&S wants to make being part of the Testbed fun and social. Next P&S call next Tuesday. Annie will give an update on her side of the Testbed.
    Denise Hills requested that people talk to her about whether or not they would like to continue being the chair of your committee. Everyone should think about nominating your colleagues for awards and elected positions. Deadline for awards is coming up on Oct. 31st.
  6. Type Reports
    Type 3
    Ted Habermann had nothing to report.
  7. Other Business
    Erin notified everyone that the Winter Meeting will move to the Wardman Park Marriott on Jan. 6-8, 2016. She also noted that ESIP is looking at other East Coast locations to host summer meetings. Erin asked the group if there should be a committee to review sessions that are submitted for the Summer Meeting? It was suggested that we let people schedule their presentations as they submit so people can self-determine the time/theme of their presentation.