Anita Statement

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

Back to 2017 Nominations and Ballot

Anita de Waard, Elsevier Nominee for Member-at-Large, ESIP Board.

I am honored to be nominated for an ESIP Board position. In my role as Vice President of Research Data Collaborations at Elsevier, I have been impressed by the progress ESIP has made in identifying key challenges regarding research data management, and finding practical solutions for these challenges. In particular, ESIP’s focus on data discoverability and interoperability, as well as metrics for data and technology integration, greatly overlap with the key themes that I see emerging within other organisations that I am involved with.

For instance, within Force11 (, data metrics and citation are one of the key focal areas. The Research Data Alliance efforts on data discovery, curation and data metrics ( have a clear and concrete connection to the ESIP Discovery efforts, and the National Data Service, ( aims to create a ‘connective tissue’ between different cyberinfrastructure efforts, much along the lines of the ESIP charter.

As a member of the ESIP board, I would like to help liaise between ESIP and these organizations, to make sure that synergies are discovered and leveraged at an early stage. As cofounder of Force11, cochair of the RDA Data Discovery Interest group and steering committee member of the NDS, I would like to facilitate connections and explore synergies and collaborations with these groups. Finally, as a representative of the publishing community, I would like to champion the adoption of proposals for data standards, data sharing and curation principles and practices proposed by the ESIP Federation in a cross-organizational and effective way.